
The people who have tried it

N. B.

engineer, aged 50

For more than 6 months I had an enlarged prostate caused by Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (prostate size 140 ml) that forced me to wear a catheter in order to urinate; the pharmacological treatments had no effect and I was already on the waiting list for surgery. After hearing about the methodology developed at Alzano Lombardo I accepted to undergo the SoracteLite Laser treatment. During the treatment I did not have any problems, neither significant pain nor bleeding. After the treatment I kept the catheter in for about twenty days, as advised by the doctors due to having worn the catheter for a long time before treatment. Once the catheter was removed, the urinary block was resolved, my urinary function gradually improved over the following months and I also resumed a normal sexual activity.
At the six-month follow-up, the volume had shrunk by 50% and after one year the reduction has now stabilized and I no longer have any problems.

R. S.

physician, aged 65

I started suffering from prostatic disorders at the age of 52 with urinary urgency, weak urination, and nocturia. The prostate volume reached 150 g in 10 years with a worsening of the aforementioned symptoms. I had 2 episodes of acute urine retention treated in hospital with catheterisation and medical therapy. In 2016, I underwent laser therapy via transperineal access. I had no significant symptoms either during treatment or afterwards, and more than a year later my quality of life has completely changed and I am satisfied with both my urinary and sexual conditions. I approached laser thermotherapy because I had already been using it for 15 years in thyroid patients with huge success, as shown by case studies and literature. In one year I have treated 15 patients suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with excellent results and no complications except for one case of prostatitis after removing the catheter. All the treated patients are currently very satisfied with the results of the treatment.

G. C.

pharmacist, aged 74

I had been suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia for about 20 years and I was under pharmacological treatment as well as suffering from hypertension, ischemic heart disease, kidney failure, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Drug therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia significantly interfered with my cardiology therapy, giving rise to severe symptoms such as exhaustion, a sense of incomplete bladder emptying, and a poor quality of life. In January 2016, I underwent prostate laser treatment via transperineal access without any complications, and one year later the prostate volume is now approximately 70 g, which is a 45% reduction. I do not take any drugs for prostate disease and am happy with my life and urinary condition.